Photos of the Beach at Nags Head, NC
The beach was calm the morning of July 10. It was very peaceful, although I didn’t see any dolphins. The collection has 30 photos, most of which are actually unremarkable. But I like them.
The beach was calm the morning of July 10. It was very peaceful, although I didn’t see any dolphins. The collection has 30 photos, most of which are actually unremarkable. But I like them.
Wow, 3,653 days ago I wed my beautiful wife. It seems like yesterday. I’m a very lucky guy. I love you Laura! I’m looking forward to our next 3,652 days together.
I got a dollar bill a few days ago with a red stamp on it that said “follow me at:” So I went to and discovered that the bill was in Maryland three months ago. Pretty neat.
Well, the spammers and virus writers have won one battle in the war. I have removed my hex-encoded email address from the footer of the pages on my web site. My email address is still available on the site, on my Contact Me page.
To summarize: Best. Show. Ever. There were people flying, elephants and rhinos, just incredible. It was too much to look at, you simply couldn’t see everything. If you’ve seen the animated movie, you know the story, but the live performance simply blew the movie away. There were a few new scenes, and Mufasa’s death caused …